Jewish Effective Giving
Typo3 based website with bold design by Kasper Skirgajłło-Krajewski
- Animation
- TailwindCss
- Typo3
- Typo3 Extensions
Affinis Inverse
Frontend for a single page application built on typo3. My job was styling and javascript programming (using GSAP, custom video player and other technologies).
- Animation
- Frontend
- TailwindCss
- Typo3
- Video
Otis Lift Configurator
Internal tool for salespeople of Otis to prepare and visualise lift configurations
- Nuxt
- TailwindCss
- Typescript/Node API
- Vue
Frontend work on a large typo3 installation for Melior. Vanilla JS, Vue and TailwindCss
- Frontend
- TailwindCss
- Typo3
- Vue
Frontend styling using Tailwind CSS, convert jQuery functions to 'vanilla' typescript.
e-commerce site built with Nuxt and custom typescript api backend
- Bulma
- Nuxt
- Typescript/Node API
- Vue
Institute of English Studies - University of Warsaw
A WCAG (accessibility) compliant modern website for students and faculty members.
- Accessibility (a11y)
- Bulma
- Typo3
- Typo3 Extensions
- Vue
My main everyday work - hugely popular parenting website built with typo3 and modern frontend.
- TailwindCss
- Typescript/Node API
- Typo3
- Typo3 Extensions
- Vue